How frequently should you check your tyres?

Tyres are the only thing between your car and the concrete screaming by below you when you drive, making tyres one of the most critical features to take care of. Unfortunately, most car owners don’t understand the role their tyres play in keeping them safe, and they can get overlooked. Tyres are subject to a lot of wear and tear when you’re driving, so it’s important to check them regularly to ensure they are still functional and safe for driving. Many checks will need to be performed by a mechanic at your regular services, but there are also several checks that you can perform yourself in between services that will help ensure the functionality and safety of your tyres. Conduct visual inspections Often, tyres go completely unchecked and unnoticed until something goes wrong with them. If your tyres feel off when you drive, or you end up with a flat tyre, the issues are often things that could have been prevented by creating a habit out of performing a visual check/...