Do Not Ignore these Warning Signs that Spell Your Brakes Need Help

There are always warning signs that tell you when you need to sit up and take notice. The brakes of your car portray a similar story. Like all parts of your vehicle, your brakes come with a lifespan as well. You need to maintain and look after it to ensure they continue offering you a seamless and safe braking experience.


Here are a few warning signs that tell you when your brakes have to head to a mechanic in Brisbane.


Squeaking sounds that disappear when you apply brakes

When you hear high pitched noises that go away as soon as you apply the brakes, it is an indication that the brake pads are wearing off. You hear these sounds because brake pads are made of steel. This sound occurs when they begin coming in contact with the rotor. Take heed because your pads may need to be replaced. Do this in time or your rotor may encounter damage that can be costly to repair.


Grinding noises when brakes are pressed

Grinding noises can occur owing to many factors. There can be grinding noises because of some rock or gravel that is stuck in the calliper unit. This is not a major cause of worry and can be easily rectified. This is also a reminder that your brakes have gone a long time without maintenance. The grinding noise could be metal on metal which creates grooves in the brake rotor.


Fluid could be leaking

A soft brake pedal is a sign that you need to head to a mechanic in Paddington. Fluid leaking from the master cylinder may be the issue. When applying brakes, the fluid is pushed through thin piping. This creates hydraulic pressure and if the fluid is leaking, there may not be enough power. This power is needed to force the brake pads to clamp hard to the rotors.


Burning smell while driving

If you notice a chemical odour after repeated hard braking, especially on steep roads, this is a sign that you can’t ignore. Your brakes and clutch are overheating. When this happens, pull over, pull your parking brake and let the brakes cool down. If you continue driving, the brake fluid may boil and can cause your brakes to fail.


Other than this, when one of the red or yellow brake indicators on the dashboard comes on, if you hear wobbling, scraping, or vibrating noises when you brake or your car pulls to one side when you brake, these are all signs your vehicle needs brake repairs in Brisbane. When this happens, it is best to go to a mechanic who can help you out in time. This ensures you never have to worry about matters going out of hand while you are driving or spending a lot at a later stage to fix the issue.  


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