Top 5 Signs Your Car Needs Brake Repairs - Pearson Automotive

 When you are on the road, your priority should be safe driving. Besides wearing a seat belt and ensuring that the tyres have adequate tread depth for traction, you also need to ensure that your car brakes are working optimally. However, many car owners do not know when they should take their vehicle for brake repairs in Brisbane.


So, here are the top five signs that you should never ignore when it comes to your vehicle’s brakes.


1. The Brakes Emit a Squealing Noise

When you apply the brakes and you hear a squealing or screeching noise, it means that you should take your car to a reputable mechanic for Milton car repair. You will hear these noises if the brake pads are worn out. It is a sign that sooner than later your car’s brakes will fail. If that happens, you risk being in a collision or having an accident.


2. Your Car Vibrates When You Apply the Brakes

In case you notice your car vibrating when you apply brakes, do not ignore it. This means that the brake rotors are warped and you have to get them changed. It is prudent to remember that warped rotors adversely affect a vehicle’s ability to stop. So, it is best not to ignore this problem and head right away for brake repairs in Brisbane.


3. You Hear Grinding Noises When You Apply the Brakes

If the brake pads are completely worn out, you will hear a grinding noise when you push the brakes. That noise occurs as there are no brake pads to cushion the metal parts and it results, in metal rubbing against metal. Remember, if you hear these noises, besides changing the brake pads, you may also have to change the drums and/or rotors of the braking system.


4. Your Car Swerves to One Side When You Brake

When you apply the brakes and notice that your car veers to one side, you have a serious problem on your hands. This usually occurs when the brake pads wear out unevenly, there are impurities in the brake fluid, or there is a problem with the brake hose. Make sure you get the brake system inspected by an experienced mechanic who will be able to diagnose the problem and suggest the right solution.


5. You Notice that the Brake Pedal is Soft

When you push down on the brake pedal and it is soft, you will find that your car travels a longer distance before it responds to the pushing of the brake pedal. This is a serious problem as it can result in an accident. Usually, this happens when the brakes are worn out or the brake fluid has depleted. It can also occur due to air in the brake line.


If you notice one of these signs, take your car to a reputed mechanic to get your brakes fixed. If you do not know a mechanic, run an online search for the best mechanic near me and you will find the right one for your needs.


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