What to Expect When You Take Your Car for Servicing - Pearson Automotive

 As a car owner, you are responsible for the maintenance and repair of your vehicle. Remember, buying a car is a major investment and if you maintain it carefully, it will not only last you long but will also reduce the cost of ownership. That is why you should take your car for regular servicing. It allows the mechanic Brisbane to carry out preventive maintenance and address problem areas.


When you take your car for servicing, some of the things that the mechanic will do are as follows:


Engine Oil and Filter Change

Engine oil and filter have to be regularly replaced. If you don’t do it, it will affect the functioning of your vehicle and could also result in damage to the delicate components of the engine. This could lead to expensive repairs. Follow the manufacturer’s maintenance schedule when it comes to replacing engine oil and filter.


Replacing Brake Fluid

If the brakes in your car are not functioning properly, you might as well not use your car as it could lead to a fatal accident. When you take your car for servicing, the mechanic will replace the brake fluid. Do this even when you are going on a long road trip. The brake specialist Brisbane will let you know if there is an issue with the brake system and the components that need replacing.


Inspecting the Exhaust System

The exhaust emits gases and other elements so that your car can function without emitting smoke or loud noises. During servicing, the mechanic will inspect the exhaust system to ensure there are no leaks. A properly functioning exhaust system allows your car to operate efficiently.


Cleaning or Replacing Air Filter

The air filter prevents debris, dirt, foreign objects, and dust from entering the car engine via the air vents. As a part of car servicing, the garage will clean the air filter, especially if you have been driving your car for a lot of miles.


Tyre and Wheel Alignment

The tyres and wheels are the only parts of your car that maintain contact with the road. So, if your tires are worn out, your car will not perform smoothly or enjoy fuel economy. Also, they should be properly inflated. Similarly, wheels should be correctly aligned. So, during the servicing, the mechanic will inspect the treads of the tyres, ensure they have uniform wear, and also perform wheel alignment Brisbane.


The Final Word

As a part of the servicing, the mechanic in Milton will check the battery to ensure it is properly charged and has sufficient distilled water. Other parts of your car that will be serviced include the odometer, the entire steering system comprising the steering wheel, clutch, gearbox, and horn, and the windshield wipers. Car servicing helps to keep your car in shape and prevents unwanted expenses. Above all, it protects you from accidents.


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